Paper Goods
image Disc Box Sup                                                        Books/Reprints image

I have a large assortment of paper goods.

They range from Lid Pictures, to "Celluloid Cards", to Oiling Instructions, to Posters, to Decals and Reproduction Tune Cards, etc.

You will find other paper goods listed on the "BOOKS/Reprints" page.

I will be building this page slowly, as I need to take pictures of each item.

If you need something specific, please e-mail me at:

or call: 315-684-9977

Nancy Fratti Music Boxes

PO Box 400

Canastota, NY 13032-0400 USA

PH: (315) 684-9977

Mon.-Fri.: 10am-7pm (EST); Sat. by chance; Sun. CLOSED
